Men In Black was a huge success on its release in 1998 and was certain to become a franchise when the spin off Cartoon series also proved popular. MIB 2 reunited most of the original cast and film maker but was generally considered poor when compared to its predecessor. At the end of the first Movie Agent Kay wiped his memory via neutralizer and so in part 2 Jay has some work to do convincing the former Agent of his past in order to defeat a new Alien enemy! For the 2002 sequel Hasbro acquired the licence to produce the Action figures (Galoob provided the tie-in's for the first movie) These figures are smaller in scale in order to fit in with Hasbro's Jurassic Park and Star Wars figures (The rights to which Hasbro had acquired after the demise of Kenner) and generally improved upon previous offerings by producing figures that bare stronger likenesses of the actors and that came with more interactive accessories! here we will look at some of those figures in detail:
MIB STRIKE CRUISER: A flip of a switch transforms a very smart looking 2003 E-500 Mercedes into a rocket powered-flying-alien busting-strike cruiser! Aiding Agents Jay and Kay in their mission to protect the universe from the scum of the galaxy!
This is an impressive looking vehicle and comes complete with sound effects and light up features which can be activated by pressing the button on the top of the vehicle which will also make the side panels pop out revealing some MIB High-Tec armoury!
The cock pit opens up and easily seats the accompanying Jay figure though the control panels and chair details are just simple sticker decals
Agent Jay with Alien Patrol Cycle: MIB Agents have access to some of the worlds finest alien battling technology and Agent Jay here, Played by Will Smith, comes equipped with an armoured Motorcycle! Accompanied also by one of the MIB's strangest agents (Robot Squid)
Robot Squid: This figure is based on one of the Rick Baker designed Aliens who can be seen at MIB headquarters who is dubbed "Robot Squid" as he is both a Robot and a squid! Each figure comes with a little Alien side-kick which are fun and well designed and sculpted and although there is no articulation on these they do have some very nice paint apps
Alien Pursuit Cycle: Like the strike Cruiser this motorcycle has both light and sound features, the base of the vehicle illuminates blue and makes revving noises when the back wheel is pushed down. Like the all the accessories the other figures come with this earth patrol motorcycle has chrome painted applications!
Scrad and Charlie with Defence Blaster: As played by "Jackass" star Johnny Knoxville Scrad and Charlie are an alien comedy duo (in one) who act as lackeys to Serleena (Lara Flynn Boyle) an evil Alien Temptress who the MIB will have to defeat in order to save the universe! Scrad and Charlie come complete with what looks like giant hair straighteners and of course an Alien companion!
Tri-Pod Alien: Another great looking Alien accessory! This figure even has some very slight articulation and some nice paint detailing!
Defence Blaster: As I mentioned above this accessory is reminiscent of a pair of hair straighteners which adds to the zaniness of these kinds of oversized accessories! The base attaches to Scrad and Charlie and even helps to balance the figure slightly better then when it is on its own. Again the chrome paint detailing looks really good on this.
When you push down the tab on the end of the blaster the shaft opens up to reveal a little green Alien holding a ray gun which lights up and makes a blasting noise at the same time as launching a projectile!
MIB 2 the movie may have been disappointing to some but there is no doubt the action figures were, if nothing else, a lot more fun to play with than the figures that were released for first film! Boasting better likenesses to the actors, a selection of inventive chrome painted light up accessories with sound chips PLUS an additional Alien creature for company. Not a bad set of figures at all.
Figures available in the line:
-Agent Kay with gravitation flight pack
-Agent Jay with Alien Patrol Cycle
-Sleeble and geeble
-Scrad and Charlie with defence blaster
-Neural Root Serleena
-Anti-gravity Agent Jay
-Talking 12 inch agent jay with frank the pug
-12" Agent Jay (Doll)
-12" Agent Kay (Doll)
-Strike Cruiser
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